using Unity.Mathematics; using Unity.XR.CoreUtils.Bindings; using UnityEngine.XR.Interaction.Toolkit.AffordanceSystem.State; using UnityEngine.XR.Interaction.Toolkit.Filtering; using UnityEngine.XR.Interaction.Toolkit.Utilities.Tweenables.Primitives; namespace UnityEngine.XR.Interaction.Toolkit.Samples.StarterAssets { /// /// Follow animation affordance for , such as . /// Used to animate a pressed transform, such as a button to follow the poke position. /// [AddComponentMenu("XR/XR Poke Follow Affordance", 22)] public class XRPokeFollowAffordance : MonoBehaviour { [SerializeField] [Tooltip("Transform that will move in the poke direction when this or a parent GameObject is poked." + "\nNote: Should be a direct child GameObject.")] Transform m_PokeFollowTransform; /// /// Transform that will animate along the axis of interaction when this interactable is poked. /// Note: Must be a direct child GameObject as it moves in local space relative to the poke target's transform. /// public Transform pokeFollowTransform { get => m_PokeFollowTransform; set => m_PokeFollowTransform = value; } [SerializeField] [Range(0f, 20f)] [Tooltip("Multiplies transform position interpolation as a factor of Time.deltaTime. If 0, no smoothing will be applied.")] float m_SmoothingSpeed = 16f; /// /// Multiplies transform position interpolation as a factor of . If 0, no smoothing will be applied. /// public float smoothingSpeed { get => m_SmoothingSpeed; set => m_SmoothingSpeed = value; } [SerializeField] [Tooltip("When this component is no longer the target of the poke, the Poke Follow Transform returns to the original position.")] bool m_ReturnToInitialPosition = true; /// /// When this component is no longer the target of the poke, the returns to the original position. /// public bool returnToInitialPosition { get => m_ReturnToInitialPosition; set => m_ReturnToInitialPosition = value; } [SerializeField] [Tooltip("Whether to apply the follow animation if the target of the poke is a child of this transform. " + "This is useful for UI objects that may have child graphics.")] bool m_ApplyIfChildIsTarget = true; /// /// Whether to apply the follow animation if the target of the poke is a child of this transform. /// This is useful for UI objects that may have child graphics. /// public bool applyIfChildIsTarget { get => m_ApplyIfChildIsTarget; set => m_ApplyIfChildIsTarget = value; } [SerializeField] [Tooltip("Whether to keep the Poke Follow Transform from moving past a maximum distance from the poke target.")] bool m_ClampToMaxDistance; /// /// Whether to keep the from moving past from the poke target. /// public bool clampToMaxDistance { get => m_ClampToMaxDistance; set => m_ClampToMaxDistance = value; } [SerializeField] [Tooltip("The maximum distance from this transform that the Poke Follow Transform can move.")] float m_MaxDistance; /// /// The maximum distance from this transform that the can move when /// is . /// public float maxDistance { get => m_MaxDistance; set => m_MaxDistance = value; } /// /// The original position of this interactable before any pushes have been applied. /// public Vector3 initialPosition { get => m_InitialPosition; set => m_InitialPosition = value; } IPokeStateDataProvider m_PokeDataProvider; IMultiPokeStateDataProvider m_MultiPokeStateDataProvider; readonly Vector3TweenableVariable m_TransformTweenableVariable = new Vector3TweenableVariable(); readonly BindingsGroup m_BindingsGroup = new BindingsGroup(); Vector3 m_InitialPosition; bool m_IsFirstFrame; /// /// See . /// protected void Awake() { m_MultiPokeStateDataProvider = GetComponentInParent(); if(m_MultiPokeStateDataProvider == null) m_PokeDataProvider = GetComponentInParent(); } /// /// See . /// protected void Start() { if (m_PokeFollowTransform != null) { m_InitialPosition = m_PokeFollowTransform.localPosition; m_BindingsGroup.AddBinding(m_TransformTweenableVariable.Subscribe(OnTransformTweenableVariableUpdated)); if(m_MultiPokeStateDataProvider != null) m_BindingsGroup.AddBinding(m_MultiPokeStateDataProvider.GetPokeStateDataForTarget(transform).Subscribe(OnPokeStateDataUpdated)); else if(m_PokeDataProvider != null) m_BindingsGroup.AddBinding(m_PokeDataProvider.pokeStateData.SubscribeAndUpdate(OnPokeStateDataUpdated)); } else { enabled = false; Debug.LogWarning($"Missing Poke Follow Transform assignment on {this}. Disabling component.", this); } } /// /// See . /// protected void OnDestroy() { m_BindingsGroup.Clear(); m_TransformTweenableVariable?.Dispose(); } /// /// See . /// protected void LateUpdate() { if (m_IsFirstFrame) { m_TransformTweenableVariable.HandleTween(1f); m_IsFirstFrame = false; return; } m_TransformTweenableVariable.HandleTween(m_SmoothingSpeed > 0f ? Time.deltaTime * m_SmoothingSpeed : 1f); } void OnTransformTweenableVariableUpdated(float3 position) { m_PokeFollowTransform.localPosition = position; } void OnPokeStateDataUpdated(PokeStateData data) { var pokeTarget =; var applyFollow = m_ApplyIfChildIsTarget ? pokeTarget != null && pokeTarget.IsChildOf(transform) : pokeTarget == transform; if (applyFollow) { var targetPosition = pokeTarget.InverseTransformPoint(data.axisAlignedPokeInteractionPoint); if (m_ClampToMaxDistance && targetPosition.sqrMagnitude > m_MaxDistance * m_MaxDistance) targetPosition = Vector3.ClampMagnitude(targetPosition, m_MaxDistance); = targetPosition; } else if (m_ReturnToInitialPosition) { = m_InitialPosition; } } public void ResetFollowTransform() { if (!m_ClampToMaxDistance || m_PokeFollowTransform == null) return; m_PokeFollowTransform.localPosition = m_InitialPosition; } } }